Never Split the Difference - Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on it


I would be very curious as to whether someone who reads this, is a hostage negotiator. I highly doubt it, but if you are, I would greatly appreciate your feedback on this book. I found it a very interesting read. I am not in sales, thus when this was first suggested I was convinced I would struggle to connect with the message. I was quickly proven wrong.

The ideas, techniques, and approaches taught in Never Split the Difference, are applicable to many areas of life. We will all negotiate the purchase of a vehicle or a home. At work, we often negotiate with others as we juggle priorities and resources. Concepts learned can be put to practice within days or even hours of reading and learning.

This idea is not so much about the techniques themselves as it is about your mindset, authentic care for those involved, and passionate pursuit of the best outcome. One thing I found interesting is that Chris Voss completely dispels the myth that “Good Cop, Bad Cop” is a beneficial negotiation method. The focus on someone being the bad guy is not helpful.

There are so many nuggets, which just means this book will become part of my permanent library. I learned about “Mirroring” and “Restating”, the value and importance of getting to “No”, and many other key ideas around negotiations.

Something I disagreed with is the suggestion of using phrases that start with, “I’m sorry…”. Back in March 2020, I posted a review of the book, “Crucial Conversations”. A principle taught in “Crucial Conversations” is to avoid apologizing about things for which you are not responsible. Now, admittedly I am not negotiating in a hostage crisis scenario. I can speak from experience how the use of, “sorry”, has become a hollow word, void of its true meaning. It is one of those words which often gets used by many to avoid the circumstances from their own mistakes.

Chris Voss did a great job with this book, it was well written and easy to understand. It is practical and the information is usable in almost any negotiation situation. A leader is much more effective as they seek to influence rather than being authoritarian. The skills learned from this book will certainly help in being influential.

Gates of Fire - Many Leadership Lessons


How does this historic fiction book make it on a blog feed dedicated to personal growth in leadership? Well, for those who have read this book, the answer may come easy. Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield is set in 480 BC at a place known at Thermopylae (aka Gates of Fire). It is a retelling of the battle between Greeks led by the Spartan King Leonidas I and Persians King Xerxes I. This was a real 3-day battle which took place between the Greeks and Persians during the second Persian invasion of Greece. It is from this battle that there have been two movies made, of the same name, The 300.

Back to the question above, how does this book review qualify to be included on a blog feed focused on leadership? The foundational principles of great leadership vs poor leadership are on full display throughout this book. There are men and women from Sparta whose character portrayal was that of great strength and valor. Moms and wives supporting, loving, pushing, pressing, and helping to drive these warrior men. I have heard Thom Shea, retired US Navy Seal, refer to his wife as a “Spartan Wife”. After reading the valor of the Spartan women, “Spartan Wife” is a very high compliment. Men both young and old train together with a warrior’s ethos, pride, and brotherhood that is second to none. There is strife, bitterness, anger experienced by many as preparations are being made for the looming battle, and through it all these Greeks, led by the Spartans, band together against impossible odds.

A significant chasm is on display between the two key leaders. King Leonidas is in this battle with his men. There are 300 Spartan warriors, all of whom are expected to die in the battle, and Leonidas includes himself among these men. He and his queen have difficult conversations with all of the affected families. This is a man who leads from the front and sets himself in the same line of fire as his men. Leonidas takes advice from those around him, he puts capable people in charge of ensuring training and provisions, He gives his life for those who he loves.

King Xerxes makes sure he has his concubines and other entertainment with him. Some of his men are employed to set up a platform with a throne, on high ground, just so that Xerxes can see the battle from afar, without fear of being in harms way. Most of Xerxes soldiers were conscribed from other nations as the Persian forces swept through the areas of the Mediterranean.

Many of us know a semblance of the story. While it is true that there were 300 Spartan warriors, there were also squires and other “slaves” who marched with the Spartans. These “slaves” end up willingly helping in the battle alongside the warriors. Additionally, there were other Greek nations who fought alongside the Spartans. In total, current estimates indicate that there were around 7,000 total men from Greece. Different accounts provide a variety of numbers for the Persians. Some contemporaries of the time write of 1 million or even 3 million in the Persian force. Current scholars now think the number was likely closer to 100,000 to 150,000. It is clear that the Spartans were outnumbered to an extreme.

In the three day battle, the Persians experienced far more fatalities than the Greeks. It is only due to the sheer outnumbering of the Greeks that the Persians were able to prevail. Each of the Greek nations’ leaders where right in the thick of the battle alongside those who were subject to their reign. Xerxes was viewing the battle as entertainment and conquest.

My summary does not do the story justice. It is a gripping story. As someone who is seeking to grow in leadership and influence, there were many lessons for absorption. If you made it this far into my review, I would suspect that this kind of story would intrigue you as well. There is much to learn. Pick up the book, read and enjoy it, and learn from the abundance of lessons available.

The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader


I hope that those of you who have followed or known me for a while have seen, in my writing, a bit of a transition over the years. My personal website has been live for about two years, and that is the source location for this and all of my previous blog posts. For the past 3 years, I have done a lot of internalizing of some significant struggles in my life. As someone who leans towards an introverted personality type, my tendency is to self-reflect and in many ways overthink when real or perceived mistakes are made. Although there is value in the self-reflection, staring at the mirror for too long causes one to lose sight of what is really important.

This may be the first time you are seeing my musings, or you may have read this stuff from me for the past 2 years. I have a few consistent messages.

  • Never stop growing…sprint, jog, walk, shuffle, crawl, claw away with your fingers and toes…whatever it takes, never stop growing

  • Mentors and Mentees…we all need to teach and be taught

  • We are all leaders…you may have children, siblings, nieces or nephews, coworkers, athletes, fellow parishioners, neighbors, a spouse, or parents who are looking to you for guidance, direction, and motivation

What does this book have to do with the stuff above? Each indispensable quality builds upon the foundation of core leadership principles. They will all aid in your personal and professional growth if you will let them. This book has been the inspiration of nearly all of my topical posts in the past two years. I have sought to intentionally absorb the lessons and apply them to my life. Also, in taking the time to type out and share those lessons on my blog site, I am able to better retain these lessons for long-term use.

Leadership is not complex. Leadership is basic principles being lived out in your daily actions and interactions. Leadership is about building relationships that go deep, are authentic, and open to being vulnerable. Leadership is not easy, it takes work, sometimes it can be messy, it can feel lonely, other times it will provide you with more pride and joy than you dreamed possible.

Pick up this book, absorb it slowly, ruminate on each of the qualities covered. If you desire growth in relationships (professional and personal) and you have others who are in your care, the benefits you will receive are innumerable.

Vision: In Order to Hit the Target, a Leader Must First See the Target


As leaders, when we fail to have an easily articulated vision we will often lack a clear direction to provide for those in our care. We find ourselves looking to new area of focus. Whether it be from a book we have read, a lecture or conference we attended, or a master-mind group in which we participate. A friend of mine refers to this as “the soup of the day”. We must avoid this trap and stay within the vision we have set before ourselves and those in our care.

A vision needs to be concise and meaningful. I would suggest a single sentence of 7 - 9 words. This means there is no room for fluffy words or a lack of clarity.

Where would a leaders start with their vision? It must come from within ourselves. What natural, God given gifts do we have? Where do our passions take us? What lessons have we learned?

Our personal and professional history can and should inform our vision. I have heard terms like, “in the mud moments”, “life ambushes”, or “splat moments”. These are times we all have where we learned very valuable lessons through some significant hard knocks. In these moments of pain, there can often be clarity in thought and the superfluous distractions are removed. Though it hurts while we are down, we can better understand just how wonderful it feels to climb out and regain composure.

A great vision helps us see how we can meet the needs of others. As leaders, it is not just about us, we have people we are influencing and relationships being cultivated. How can we, in pursuing our vision, increase our ability to help others grow?

A solid vision will help in gathering resources. People will want to buy into what we are doing. It may spur others to want to work for you, or an investor to help you get started with capital. Perhaps it will spur someone on to help be a mentor and coach.

In developing a vision, seek to listen:

  • Inner Voice - What causes our heart to stir, spurs us on to greatness, touches the depths of your soul?

  • Unhappy Voice - Is there something in live which is leading to a great discomfort? Is it uncomfortable enough where we are willing to do something to make it change?

  • Successful Voice - Surround ourselves with people who have succeeded ahead of us and will personally feed into our lives. I am a huge advocate for having mentors and coaches

  • Higher Voice - Are you pursuing your spiritual health? Are you listening to God for guidance, help, and direction?

Once we have developed our vision, write it down and meditate on the vision regularly. Measure our actions in life against that vision. Is the vision pushing, pulling, or otherwise driving us to lead others better than we did yesterday? Is the vision helping us fulfill our passion, giving us the energy we need to strive through struggles, or well up with tears of joy as we are in pursuit?

Teachability: Learning, Growing, and Being Teachable is Crucial for Effective Leadership


Being teachable is a sign of humility and valuing the input of others. As leaders, we have far more influence on those around us as we seek to learn from even the most Jr. of our teams. Remember when you were first given the opportunity to contribute to the growth of others…or teach someone a new skill, perspective, or observation? What kind of influence did that have on you? For me, It spurred on a greater desire to contribute even more. This fostered a hunger for professional and personal growth. When we have a teachable heart and attitude, it helps others around us grow and in doing so leads the team or company to even more significance and success.

The things that we feed in our lives will grow. If we focus on insecurities we will become defensive, argumentative, and narcissistic. If we focus on loneliness, we become needy and cling to others. When our focus is on learning and being teachable we grow and influence others around us to do the same. It is imperative to understand that we are constantly in motion towards success and significance or distraction and destruction.

As we strive to be teachable…to help grow in our own lives and influence the growth in those around us, here are some things to consider

  • Cure Your “Destination Disease”. Goals are great and important. What kinds of goals are we setting? Once that goal is achieved are we setting the next target or just basking in some kind of glory? Once we stop striving towards goals which stretch us beyond our area of comfort, that is when we stop growing and start back-sliding

  • Overcome Your Success. What got us here…to this level of success…will not get us to the next place where we need to grow. Learn what is necessary from how we got here, but we cannot live in the past

  • Swear off from Shortcuts. It seems like every day we get to hear about quick fixes, hacks, cheats, and more. There is no substitute for hard work, diligence, learning from mistakes, risking the making of mistakes, and hours of blood, sweat, and tears when striving for success.

  • Trade in Your Pride. No one knows everything. Even if we have been doing our job for 15+ years, we can still learn from a newcomer. Using our positional authority and/or industry experience to win a dispute only causes others to lose their respect for us.

  • Never Pay Twice for the Same Mistake. We will all make mistakes so long as we are trying to improve. Be willing to step out into an area not previously explored. There will be bumps and bruises that come with these actions. Learn from them, and avoid making the same mistake time and again.

  • Observe How You React to Mistakes. Are we passing the blame, playing the victim, or obfuscating responsibility? If so, learning will not come. Apologize when appropriate, admit our mistakes, take ownership and put together a plan on how to overcome.

  • Try Something New. Often we will need to approach a situation from a different perspective. If we are not in the habit of slowing down to think through an opinion opposite to our own maybe there will be is a new tool to use. Force a break in daily patterns to help challenge our status-quo which may provide breakthroughs.

  • Pursue Continued Learning in Your Area of Strength. There is always something new we could learn from others in areas where we are strong. In athletics through my youth and young adult years, I was constantly reminded that no matter how good I get, there will always be someone better. We always have someone from which we can learn more, even in areas where we already thrive.

There are few things in life which provide a greater ability to influence others than being teachable. I know that the more I believe that I am helping leaders in my life to grow by what I am learning and teaching, the more I will want to continue that pattern. Sometimes being teachable is a struggle. Life can seem easier if we just coast after we have earned that degree or certificate. If we truly want to be leaders who influence others to greatness, keep a teachable spirit and learning heart.

Servanthood: Great Leaders Put Others First


Leadership…what is it? I like the quote from Ronald Reagan, “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one who gets the people to do the greatest things.” The reality is, defining leadership is a bit like trying to grab hold of a cloud. You know it is there, it is visible, it appears to be tangible, but you cannot simply clasp it in your hands.

Often leadership is something more about a person’s way of living…pursuit of integrity, character, being a positive example, along with a myriad of outward expressions. I would purpose part of leadership is a culmination of outward expressions of inward attitudes which influence those around us.

One key outward expression of leadership would be “Servanthood”. Merriam-Webster defines servant as, “one who serves others”. Many of us have read or heard about the Battle of Thermopylae. King Leonidas was a man over 60 years old, who still lived by the Spartan way of life. I suggest reading, “Gates of Fire” by Steven Pressfield to get a bit more insight into King Leonidas. This king did his leading from the front. He did not look at his role of being king as a reason to stay behind and command his men from a thrown or castle. He provided direction and oversight to the training and preparations needed for these elite warriors. He instilled self-discipline to ensure he was up for the battles within which he would be called to lead. King Leonidas served shoulder to shoulder with the men he sent into battle.

Servanthood is a high calling. There are a lot of demands and pressures in willingly serving others. It can be lonely, agonizing, thankless, and often emotionally painful when you as a leader are focused on serving those in your care. Without understanding and living in the struggles which com from servanthood in leadership you will fail to see the absolute joy, thrill, excitement, and exhilaration which comes from seeing the success and growth of those in your care.

In terms of servanthood leadership, one must seek to be the embodiment of certain key characteristics. These listed below are each a unique outward manifestation of inward attitudes and desires.

  • Put Others Ahead of your Own Agenda. Do we know those in our care well enough to understand their true needs? Do we make ourselves available to help others even while we have the demands of our own tasks? Are we seeking to understand the desires and needs of those in our care are important to us?

  • Possess the Confidence to Serve. Are we treating others with the respect and honor they have earned through their own dedication to trade craft? Do we give the power of decision making to others who need it for their growth?

  • Initiating Service to Others. Are we looking for areas where there is a need? When we see these needs, are we getting to work in contributing a solution? In doing these things are we abstaining from drawing attention to ourselves?

  • Not Being, “Position Conscious”. When we get the wanted job title, pay raise, corner office, or any other outward express of being in authority are we still willing to lead from the front? Leading from the front is not someone in the “C-Suite” telling front-line people how to do their job (aka micromanaging), rather it is helping others catch the vision by showing them how we live that vision.

  • Serving out of Love. Our love and care for those around us defines how much influence we have over them. If we serve out of love and real compassion for the success of those in our care, we will avoid using authoritarian means unless in extreme and extremely rare circumstances.

  • Stop Lording Over People. If the use of our position of authority is required to get the work done, we need to examine ourselves…are we truly leading? One time I heard this statement, “Authority is like a bar of soap. The more we use it the less we have.” If we have to use our position of authority to force compliance, we are not leading and we will lose respect.

  • Stop Role Playing for Achievement. Sometimes we are tempted can act one way to impress others as a way to gain a higher stature or position. This is not leadership. Be your true authentic self. How many of you remember in IBM’s Lotus 1-2-3…in the 1990s the WYSIWYG setting? We need to live a WYSIWYG way of leading.

  • Stop Seeking Your Way. We may be the most experienced person in the room, this only means we have been doing something longer than others…not necessarily smarter than others. We have smart people around us, seek their input and let them give you a reason to trust them.

How do we go about leading with a servant’s heart?

  • Find small things we can do to show care for others. Perhaps a hand written note on a special occasion, or even without there being a special occasion.

  • Learn to walk slowly through a crowd. Pause and have conversations while you are staying focused on achieving goals. Build the relationships with those in your care. Use a person’s name in conversations with them.

We are all called to lead. Others around us are watching and taking their cues from how they see us respond and react. If you want to influence others to greatness, show them how to serve others. The extent to how many we can serve and encourage others to do the same will reveal the heart we have to care for and about them.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck


As I think through how I want to present the insights I gained from reading this book, I start to second guess myself. After all, the title of the book uses what many consider to be foul language. Then, I re-read the title of the book, recall the principle message being conveyed in this book, and realize that I am caring to much about what others think of me. In essence, I am being self-absorbed instead of staying focused on what is really important.

I would not necessarily label this book as a leadership or business book. The message is about simplifying the garbage that can clutter our minds, which in turn will help us focus on what is really important. For example, when I focus on improving in my profession as a way to gain more material goods (nice house, new cars, fun boat, etc.) then when I achieve those goals, I am left with nothing else to pursue. If my focus is to improve so that I can have more expertise and help others to grow, that is a goal that does not have an end and helps me understand that there will always be room for improvement.

I often fall into the trap of my insecurities. Usually, it is because I am comparing myself to others, playing the “victim”, or wanting to be the center of attention. If I seek to lean on someone else (lover, friend, family member, coworker, etc.) to assuage my insecurities I am placing an undue burden on them. This is the foundation for an unhealthy relationship. I need to cope with my insecurities in the light of understand that they are usually a result of caring about things that should not be on the radar of real-life concerns.

Not too long ago, I recently published a self-discipline blog post. This book falls into the realm of teaching us one way we can implement self-discipline with our thoughts and concerns. It is often our thoughts, based on insecurity which fuel bad decisions. Am I angry with my boss? Perhaps it is because I am focused on my own insecurities which clash with the what is being asked of me. Am I jealous because my lover/spouse will not give me the attention I think I deserve? Perhaps, I am being a narcissist, self-absorbed, entitled, petulant child in my own mind and ignoring the pressures my lover/spouse is facing in their mind.

The point here is, we all deal with this garbage in our minds and in our lives. Learn to push through unnecessary things that consume our thoughts. Set aside the, “entitled brat”, in your own mind and learn to focus on things that really matter. It is a freeing experience and helps you lead a more fulfilling life.

Self Discipline - You Must First Lead Yourself


When your principle approach to leadership is one of, “do as I say”, and you are in a position of authority then you are likely to get immediate compliance but it is unlikely that any hearts or minds have been won to your perspective. Effective leadership focuses on influencing others to buy into where you want others to follow…and eventually have them take over as leaders themselves. I would argue that the true benefits of effective leadership is not measured by the number of followers you have but rather the number of leaders you help develop. A key to effective leadership is to be an example, live out self-discipline, develop and lead yourself.

When you get a chance, look up the story of Jerry Rice, former NFL Wide Receiver for the San Francisco 49ers. This is a man who may be considered to be the greatest player in NFL history, for his position. The Jerry Rice story is one of self-discipline when he could have been successful on his talent alone.

Self-discipline does not show up over-night and requires a constant vigil to keep up the pursuit towards excellence, purpose, and goals. Here are a few areas of focus where action can be taken to help.

  • Develop and follow your priorities

    • What really are your priorities? When thinking through this, remember that we all have strengths and weaknesses as well as limitations. Not everything can be a priority

    • Let go of things that are not one of your priorities. In the busyness of life, we can easily get side-tracked with things that may seem (or even may really be) important. If these things do not aid in your priorities, consider letting go of them.

  • Self-discipline needs to be a lifestyle

    • Develop routines in life which compliment and build on your priorities. The idea of developing routines does not indicate that everything will change in a day. Take steps to seek progression day by day. There is a compounding affect in progress, you may not see all of the benefits in a week, a month, or possibly even a year. Over time you will be amazed at the progress

  • Challenge your excuses

    • We all struggle with self-discipline. Write down the things you see as reasons that you might be pulled away from your priorities. Label those things as excuses along with a self-determining promise to not fall into the excuse trappings. Then when the excuses come up in your mind take action to overcome them.

  • Remove rewards until the job is complete

    • There are all kinds of rewards and incentives that you can put in place for yourself and others, as it relates to reaching goals that fulfill the drive towards your priorities. In work, school, athletics, and many other areas in life, if slackers and peak performers are all rewarded the same we end up with more slackers. This holds true in your personal life as well. Reward yourself for hard work once the goal is accomplished, not just because you are participating in the process

  • Stay focused on the results

    • There will be obstacles to focusing on your priorities. Actually, the closer you are to fulfilling your priorities the bigger those obstacles will seem. A World War II bomber pilot knew that they were getting close to their target as the enemy’s anti-aircraft firepower became more intense. Steven Pressfield does a great job in describing the reality obstacles present in his book, “The War of Art”. Do not let the obstacles become your focus…keep your eye on the prize.

How does one go about implementing self-discipline? I would not say that there is a formula or some special list of tasks. Each of us will employ self-discipline in a way that makes the most sense to us fulfilling our priorities. Here are some thoughts around guidelines which may help.

  • Sort out your priorities

    • Limit this list to a small number of 3 - 5 is my suggestion. We cannot fulfill every tasks requested of us. Write out these priorities and put it in a place that you will review on a daily basis. Use this list as a reminder and a set of guidelines as to what you should or should not be doing.

  • List the reasons

    • Here is an area where you establish your “Why”. Why are those 3 - 5 priorities on your list? What is the benefit to keeping those as your priorities? This is a personal list which only you can determine and validate.

  • Get rid of excuses

    • Write down the excuses that you know you will come up with in the pursuit of self-discipline. Determine in your mind, “these are only excuses and they will not deter me.” If other excuses come up as you progress, put them on the list as well.

I recently had the privilege to be in a small group, where we had a discussion with Jason Redman, retired Navy SEAL. A comment he shared, which resonates loudly in my mind, is paraphrased as follows.

The three priorities in leadership, in order of priority are:

  • Lead yourself

  • Lead others

  • Lead always

I believe we are all called to be leaders in some capacity. Even if it feels like the progress towards your priorities is at a snail’s pace, keep going do not stop! If you stumble and fall, make a mistake, feel like you have failed…do not quit! Your persistence in self-discipline will be a leadership example and influence to others who are in your care. This is the first tool in your leadership toolbox.

Greater Than Yourself - The Ultimate Lesson of True Leadership


Many of the best leaders I have witnessed or experienced understand the idea of “Servant Leadership”. It is not about letting someone walk all over you or treat you disrespectfully. The idea is about caring for those around you, influencing them in a positive and fruitful direction, and providing discipleship to help redirect efforts. In this book, Steve Farber provides a framework worthy of serious consideration for intentionally leading others.

This book teaches valuable lessons through a leadership fable. The story line is fictitious and helpful in learning how to apply three principles outlined in the “Greater Than Yourself” (GTY) concept. These principles are, “Expand Yourself”, “Give Yourself”, “Replicate Yourself”. I will not due justice to these principles here, but allow me to expand just a little.

“Expand Yourself” - This is the idea that you should never stop learning and growing experientially. The concept is one that should be present in all leaders. For example, Winston Churchill was an author, artist, armature bricklayer, and a very well read man. It is critical to lead yourself in many areas so that you ensure your own growth.

“Give Yourself” - Here the idea is that you have communicated with someone that you would like to be in a partnership. Share that you have seen immense untapped potential and would like an opportunity to see if the two of you can work together to help spark growth. Often, when one is giving of themselves they will find their own growth as well.

“Replicate Yourself” - Do not mistake this as an idea where someone needs to act as a clone of you. The focus here is to “pay forward” the gift of having been a recipient of someone giving of themselves. The best gift you can give to most mentors is to be a mentor yourself. That is the expectation here, the person you are giving yourself to, will need to be committed to do the same in the future.

In gleaning from the framework of this book an additional idea is highlighted and worthy of note. The reader is encouraged act on the GTY concept before speaking publicly about its benefits. Another way to say this would be to, “walk the walk, before you talk the talk”. So often when I read something insightful or beneficial, I am tempted to think that someone else needs to absorb this lesson. The truth is that I need the lessons being taught, and when reading for my own improvement I do not need to focus on what someone else should learn. Apply the lessons to my life so that I can “walk the walk before I talk the talk”.

I would highly recommend this book for anyone, anywhere within their leadership experience. The book is engaging, entertaining, and educational. I read it in one weekend without it having a significant interference with other things needing my attention.

The Way of the Warrior - Business Tactics and Techniques from History's Twelve Greatest Generals


I have a fascination for military history. It is just budding in the last couple of years and has been coupled with my desire to learn more about and improve in my own leadership. When I picked up The Way of the Warrior, I figured that it was a great blend of these two areas. In the United States, our military has developed some of the best leadership training and experiences available. I have much to learn and I seek to glean from our military as much as I can.

I do not want to confuse authority with leadership. Authority is positional where leadership is influential. Just because someone is in authority it does not mean that they know how to lead. Leadership principles have been around since the dawning of time. No one has created or discovered them. They just exist. Some leaders have used these principles more effectively than others. This book shows leadership principles used by people in authority, but these ideas apply today to all of us.

This book highlights 12 military leaders (11 from Western cultures and 1 from the East). These leaders had their faults and many did some inscrutable things, but that is not the focus of this book. The authors sought to highlight key principles from each military leader, which helped them become successful. Some of the men in the book are Alexander the Great, Genghis Kahn, Gustavus Adolphus, Napoleon, Ulysses S. Grant, and Norman Schwarzkopf. Each of whom had strengths in key leadership principles and learned how to employ them effectively. Some of the key principles discussed are around ideas like communication, courage, building alliances, vision, decisiveness, training and discipline, and leading by example.

I enjoyed gaining a better understanding on how others in history have found success in the applying of their leadership strengths. Many of these individuals also had high level subordinates who filled gaps of their own leadership weaknesses. This highlights the importance of mentors and surrounding yourself with people you trust, who will challenge you to grow and continually improve. Reading this book can fulfill a piece of what a mentor does, but it does not provide the proper follow up and proper direction in application to your personal situation.

I have been truly blessed to have two key mentors in my life over the past few years. Also, in this time of endless opportunities to learn, podcasts have become an additional tool for my personal leadership growth. I am consistently seeking to learn from people who are psychologists, pilots, retired Navy SEALs, and many more areas of expertise. The more I learn, the more I realize that I am only at the beginning stages of exploring leadership principles.

I seek to be a better leader, not only for my own personal growth and achievement, but also to help others strive to be better leaders themselves. If you are a parent, teacher, physician, plumber, or any other role as an adult, you are also a leader. I believe you must first lead yourself, then you can lead others. Without leading yourself it may be impossible to effectively lead others. I seek to lead myself by pursuing discipline in physical fitness, active mental engagement, learning to listen, seeking mentorship, and improving my communication. I encourage you to do the same.