Vision: In Order to Hit the Target, a Leader Must First See the Target


As leaders, when we fail to have an easily articulated vision we will often lack a clear direction to provide for those in our care. We find ourselves looking to new area of focus. Whether it be from a book we have read, a lecture or conference we attended, or a master-mind group in which we participate. A friend of mine refers to this as “the soup of the day”. We must avoid this trap and stay within the vision we have set before ourselves and those in our care.

A vision needs to be concise and meaningful. I would suggest a single sentence of 7 - 9 words. This means there is no room for fluffy words or a lack of clarity.

Where would a leaders start with their vision? It must come from within ourselves. What natural, God given gifts do we have? Where do our passions take us? What lessons have we learned?

Our personal and professional history can and should inform our vision. I have heard terms like, “in the mud moments”, “life ambushes”, or “splat moments”. These are times we all have where we learned very valuable lessons through some significant hard knocks. In these moments of pain, there can often be clarity in thought and the superfluous distractions are removed. Though it hurts while we are down, we can better understand just how wonderful it feels to climb out and regain composure.

A great vision helps us see how we can meet the needs of others. As leaders, it is not just about us, we have people we are influencing and relationships being cultivated. How can we, in pursuing our vision, increase our ability to help others grow?

A solid vision will help in gathering resources. People will want to buy into what we are doing. It may spur others to want to work for you, or an investor to help you get started with capital. Perhaps it will spur someone on to help be a mentor and coach.

In developing a vision, seek to listen:

  • Inner Voice - What causes our heart to stir, spurs us on to greatness, touches the depths of your soul?

  • Unhappy Voice - Is there something in live which is leading to a great discomfort? Is it uncomfortable enough where we are willing to do something to make it change?

  • Successful Voice - Surround ourselves with people who have succeeded ahead of us and will personally feed into our lives. I am a huge advocate for having mentors and coaches

  • Higher Voice - Are you pursuing your spiritual health? Are you listening to God for guidance, help, and direction?

Once we have developed our vision, write it down and meditate on the vision regularly. Measure our actions in life against that vision. Is the vision pushing, pulling, or otherwise driving us to lead others better than we did yesterday? Is the vision helping us fulfill our passion, giving us the energy we need to strive through struggles, or well up with tears of joy as we are in pursuit?