Facing problems is part of our daily experience. They come at us in a variety of ways and forms. How we solve one problem helps set us up for solving the next problem. So, I need to ask myself, with each problem I face, what am I going to do? We can address problems head on, guide or direct others to help them provide a resolution, or let the problems work themselves out.
Effective leaders face problems
Anticipate the Problem: Some problems may be quarterly or annual issues (i.e. ups and downs in business cycles). Find ways to minimize the impact of these problems or setup procedures and plans to neutralize the impact these problems.
Accept the truth: We live in a world that is filled with difficulties. Some understand that nearly every problem has been similarly faced in the past. We have experienced economic downturns, global pandemics, struggles with physical disabilities, and more. Seek to learn from the successes and failures of how they have been handled.
See the Big Picture: Do not let a problem drive your emotional response. Remember to keep your head clear. Is this an isolated issue or a noteworthy pattern? Respond to the problem and its nature rather than reacting
Handle Problems by Addressing One Thing at a Time: No matter who often someone tells us that we can multi-task, there are multiple studies which show that is inaccurate. Which piece or part of the problem needs to be handled first? Find that answer and get the first thing conquered before going onto the next part.
Do Not Give Up on a Major Goal When You are Down: I have often heard that plans are essential, but never stay intact at first contact with the enemy. Understanding and keeping in mind your major goal or objective in what you are trying to accomplish will help driving through the difficulties that problems bring. This will help you stay focused to continue the push towards your vision.
Every problem helps you gain additional insight into who you are and where you are leading yourself. Throughout The Bible we hear of the refining process for purifying minerals into usable materials (gold, silver, iron, etc.) and how that is an image of growth in the lives of people. Problems we face can refine us in character, wisdom, and insight. Take these opportunities to learn how to be stronger and more effective for the future.
Surround yourself with problem solvers. If you have read some of my previous posts, you will see that I highly recommend finding a mentor or coach. It is not necessary to limit yourself to just one mentor or coach, but a group of others who you trust and each have a desire for and experience of helping to be part of solving problems. You will benefit greatly from having these people in your life.