Imposter Syndrome, have you ever felt it...what is it?


When handed a new task, duty, job title, or responsibility it is common for my first internal reaction as to question whether I am the right person for the job. Even when I have pursued a new role…for years…and have clearly earned the position, I have a “pucker” moment where I ask, “What have I gotten myself into?”

Over the past 5 years, listening to hundreds of podcasts and reading dozens of books on leadership, personal development, intentional living, understanding human behavior, and more my eyes have been opened to the reality that even the most successful people in business, politics, religion and most other cohort groups deal with (at least in the beginning) doubting their abilities and feeling like they are an imposter in that role. It is normal and we cannot let that hold us back from stepping forward into the growth we will experience. A leader moves into the unknown…even if it is just unknown to them…understanding they will make mistakes yet continuing to move forward seeking improvement, growth, influence, and significance.

Do not let the doubt, the “Imposter Syndrom”, allow us to quit. We may fail, make mistakes, or mess up and we cannot let those things cause us to stop leading and pursuing excellence. When we feel that itching of doubt in our mind…an internal feeling that we are an imposter in our role, keep in mind a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  • If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

The imposter syndrome is real. Do not ignore it or shove it aside. Deal with it, speak to yourself with your own internal dialog to remind yourself that you earned the chance to fulfill that role. Tell yourself that you will grow into the position, then take the steps to do just that.

I am offering my services to those who may be interested in leadership mentoring and/or coaching. This will be one on one, or very small group interactions on a periodic basis. The intention is to operate in a similar manner as a short-term mastermind. This is to say that there will be a few months of interactions set up as 1-hour sessions once or twice a month. If you have an interest, feel free to start a conversation with me at