The United States of America's Independence Day - 2020

As we look to celebrate the birthday of our nation, the day we designate to celebrate our freedom from a tyrannical king who ruled from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, I want to share some of my thoughts.

The opening to our Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Today, this is where I want to focus on the opening to our Declaration of Independence. The truths that our forefathers knew to be “self-evident” were all found under the covering of these distinct attributes. Although they are "self-evident”, these men found it necessary to put them in writing for a proclamation to the world in general, their fellow citizens as a whole, and King George III specifically. Sometimes things that are “self-evident” are not always in the forefront of our thoughts or beliefs. There can be times when the world around us seems to be falling apart and we should cling onto these truths which are indeed, “self-evident”.

We are experiencing some dark times in our nation right now. Who knows when it will subside or if there will be another flash-point that makes things worse? One response we can have in troubled times is to lash out in anger, play the victim and proclaim “them” as the villain. Reacting in this manner does not bring people together and fails to reflect the “self-evident” truths that we can read about in our Declaration of Independence.

I want to address the truths that we see in this opening paragraph, as quoted above.

  • All men are created equal: This is for all mankind. The phrase is used in a generic term in reference to humans. I know and realize that there was slavery, so not all men were treated equally, but that does not negate the truth that they are all created equal.

  • …they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. These “Rights” are not to be controlled by a governing body. These rights simply exist. These rights are unable to be alienated from the right to be human. These rights are sewn into the fabric of human nature. Among these rights, three of them are uniquely pointed out here.

  • Life: A basic right to live, breath, think, and be.

  • Liberty: “The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.” We all have a responsibility to live at peace with others, but we do not have the right to use governing powers or brute force to restrict one’s way of life, behavior, or political views. I may not agree with someone and we may choose to participate in rigorous debate. In the end, it is never okay for me to impose my view of religion (one’s way of life), behavior, or politics upon someone else through the use of force.

  • The pursuit of Happiness: We are never guaranteed happiness. We are only given the right to pursue happiness. What makes me happy may not be the same thing that makes you happy. As long as my happiness does not cause direct physical or financial harm to you then I have the right chase after that happiness.

I am grateful to the many men and women who serve in our armed forces and the various law enforcement agencies. They put their lives on the line every day for my Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness. If I could personally thank each of these individuals that would still be too little of an expression of gratitude. Saying “thank you” is truly the least I can do, but that is where I will start. Thank you!

Happy Birthday to The United States of America! Happy Independence Day! May we all enjoy our Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness!