Memorial Day 2020


Sitting here in Northeast Florida and watching the rain fall, gives me time to reflect and ponder the freedoms a have. I would like to encourage you to do the same. Contribute to my list,as I share these thoughts. Some of these are freedoms expressed in our US Constitution, others are derived from that same document.

  • Peaceful Assembly - I can get together with like-minded individuals and discuss, listen to, and pontificate on a wide variety of topics and ideas (even those in conflict with others who are in the government), without threat or danger of being sent to ”re-education camps”.

  • Earn and spend my own wages - I understand that taxes are a reality, but I am able to learn and apply skills in the market place which are in demand and need to be filled. I can educate myself and learn how to apply new combined talents and knowledge.

  • Property ownership - I do not have to be reliant upon a governing body to provide my housing.

  • Choices in what I eat - Our grocery stores are filled with more variety than we realize. Have you ever considered, even the choices even in the bread area?

This is an extremely limited list. I use it just to start all of us to be thinking about just how much the sacrifice of our men and women, serving in the military and have gaven their lives for our freedoms, means to you and I.

Let us never forget, not today, not tommorow, not ever!