Thankfulness in Life


Today, in the United States, we set aside a time to specifically be thankful. Some may say, “be thankful for what?” Well, I would like to share some things for which I am thankful. This is not an exhaustive list, just some key things which occur to me as I am enjoying my Thanksgiving Holiday.

One that I often take for granted is life. What I mean is simply the ability to be alive. Each night, when I go to sleep, there is no guarantee that I will awaken. Every day is a new beginning with fresh opportunities to seek to be better than the day before. When I wake in the morning, as I turn off my alarm, put my feet on the ground and sit up in bed, I thank God for the opportunity to experience another day.

New beginnings is another thing for which I am thankful. I have failed in a number of areas through my past 50 years. Although my past and my failures have influence over me, they do not have to define me. I have learned many lessons from the school of hard knocks. I hope that I get to learn many more. The idea is that I put the past behind me and each day is a new beginning.

My family means the world to me. I have an amazing brother and sister-in-law who have some wonderful children. My own kids are a joy beyond description. I am now a grandpa and it is indescribable how much that warms my heart.

When we take the time to pause during the business of our lives, and review the things for which we are thankful, it helps bring a refreshed perspective. Not everyone can mirror the thankfulness I am expressing here, but each of you can find things in your life which brings an attitude of gratitude and helps shape a thankful heart.