Measure What Matters - How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs

OKRs…what are they? How do you use them? Do they really work? In this book, John Doerr helps us understand how to go beyond the great management tool of “Manage By Objectives” (aka MOBs), and use Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) in achieving what Jim Collins calls, “Big Hairy Audacious Goals” (aka BHAG).

This book is a great resource for helping the reader understand the value of and how to implement OKRs. John Doerr is clear in sharing that we should not expect to be great at setting our OKRs the first time around…nor the second, third, or any other of the initial attempts. It will always be a “work in progress”. Objectives are typically an overall, measurable goal. Key Results are the smaller steps, still being measurable, practical, and causing us to stretch. The Key Results should be short term (perhaps monthly or quarterly), while the Objects are more long term (annually, 2- year, etc.) .

Take the time to read this book, if you are seeking to be better at achieving results that will help you reach the BHAG that is set before you. There is also a website built around the ideas shared in this book. Go check it out, “