Success Story – David Telford

Originally Published February 19, 2018

Originally Published February 19, 2018

Have you ever met someone who connects with people in a way that seems natural and without effort? When you find someone who listens to (the physical act of absorbing sounds) and hears (paying attention to what is being said or left unsaid) those around them with greater clarity than others, are you inspired to make a personal connection? David Telford is one of these people. He is the kind of guy that endeavors to understand people and makes a lasting impression with every interaction.

When discussing what it means to succeed, David draws on both definitions of the word; turn out well or have a favorable result, and come next after or follow after another. To David, succeeding isn’t the completion of a journey but rather the achievement of a progression of goals, each serving as a mile marker along the way. As these goals are reached, the path is laid for others to follow. “Success is never an individual pursuit.” 

In a recent, real life example, David shares about preparing for a 28.3-mile hike to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. He jokes that his goal was originally to just survive. He started with small hikes and progressed further with time. He set goals to hike 5, 7, 12, and then 21 miles as part of his training. Three weeks before the date of the Make-a-Wish hike (28.3 miles in one day), he was on a 21-mile training hike when around mile-17, he hyper-extended his knee and had to stop. He was determined to proceed with the Make-a-Wish hike and committed do what he could, although completing all 28.3 miles was unlikely. He even made a deal with his wife, if they both finished the hike, they would get Make-a-Wish tattoos to celebrate. When the day of the hike arrived, he could still feel the pain in his knee. At mile-17 the pain in his knee was compounded by growing heat exhaustion. At mile-21, he knew his struggle to continue was actually holding his wife back from completing the hike. So, David stopped his own hike and encouraged his wife to finish (which she did). 

One of the biggest lessons David draws from this event was, a leader needs to understand when their direct leadership is not needed anymore, and the person they have been guiding is ready to go on without them. A leader often has to lead from behind, driving others to find their own path, and provide encouragement and support to empower them to succeed. David states it is important for managers who are leaders, to remember they work on behalf of their subordinates. That is how a leader’s success is measured. Are those who you are responsible for successful? Are you clearing obstacles to enable their success? Are you giving them a means to thrive and step up as leaders themselves? 

David cites Jim Anderson (, who was David’s manager at JD Edwards, as an example of such a leader. David recognizes he, himself, is often unmanageable, by which he means if you try to manage him, he will often rebel, but if you provide leadership and support, he will find ways to succeed. He credits Jim Anderson with both empowering him in that capacity, as well as teaching him the benefits of this approach. With Jim as a role model, David eventually found himself in the Critical Account organization at Oracle where he worked with customers throughout the world to address challenges with their JD Edwards implementations. This is where those listening and hearing skills became his greatest asset.

David says the best tool available in a consultant’s toolbox is the ability to listen and hear what is being said. The physical act of absorbing sounds is not enough, a consultant needs hear with empathy to understand the pain, and uncover things which may be left unsaid. “You guys have to fix this problem now!” might be what is said, but “Or else I will lose my job!” is implied even if not spoken.  David learned this early in his career, which had a significant impact on his ability to handle critical accounts for JD Edwards. Through experiencing different cultures and situations, he found a primal desire in all people is to be heard. He said, “During my time with Critical Accounts, I found 9 times out of 10, the problem with a project was communication. Everyone was speaking, some people were listening, but nobody was hearing. Day 1 of any escalation was always an opportunity for everyone on the team to say what they had to say, point fingers where they wanted to point, and deflect blame. Day 2 was about moving forward.” 

Critical Accounts is where David met the second person he credits as having a significant role in his leadership approach; Carlos Barradas. David shares it was Carlos who helped him understand, in troubleshooting, the focus needs to be on solutions not blame. As David traveled around the world helping to diffuse critical situations, he realized finding a workable solution to fixing problems was far more important than finding the best solution. He says, “There might 50 solutions to a problem, and they will all work, but there might be 2 that get the job done now, even if they are not the most elegant way to do it.” During times of difficulty the important focus is to get past the thing holding back progress. There will be time to reflect on root cause and lessons learned after the critical issue is resolved. You have to keep things in perspective.

Keeping perspective is where David shares he has learned some valuable lessons in leadership. Remember, the hike? After quitting at mile-21, David felt like he had failed. Amy Brindley ( the President and CEO of Make-A-Wish Central and West North Carolina reminded him hiking 21 miles in one day is a big deal even if you have two good knees. He had walked farther than he believed he could before he started training.   He had exceeded his own expectations.

Amy has become not just a friend to David but also a source of inspiration and a continual reminder to keep perspective.  “She has an incredible passion for these kids in medical jeopardy, as well as their families,” he says. “It is hard to imagine how someone can sort through and connect with all these emotions experienced by these hundreds of families and continue to wake-up each day and do it all again – with a huge, infectious smile on her face.”

When discussing his ability to work diverse groups of people, David points to two books which have influenced his method for understanding; The Tao of Pooh, and The Te of Piglet, both written by Benjamin Hoff. He shared, these books helped him frame an understanding of how people behave by understanding how they emulate different characteristics of those lovable characters from Christopher Robbin’s neighborhood. David also took some college classes on Zen and regularly meditates. He is a lover of languages (human and computer) and endeavors to learn something new each week. These traits form the foundation of David’s ability to understand problems from the perspective of those facing issues.

In business, as many professionals progress, there comes a time when an “Exit Plan” begins to form. Often, this “Exit Plan” includes planning when and how one will retire to enjoy the fruits of their years of labor. David’s view on this is different. He believes we should all be enjoying the benefits from our hard work as we live our lives, and the “Exit Plan” should be about training and mentoring others to fill the role he will eventually leave. “That’s when the real work, and the real living begin.” A true leader ensures a successful organization will continue to thrive well beyond the leader’s tenure. 

David’s leadership style, and success in the workplace is built upon learning from the experiences of many great leaders in his life. David is also a foundation for numerous other leaders who have worked and are working with him. He serves as an inspiration and motivator to those with whom he has come in contact. Thank you David for taking time with me to give me insight into your life.


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Olivier Dreyer - Success Story

Originally Published March 10, 2018

Originally Published March 10, 2018

Focused, having clarity in thought, well articulated are all characteristics that can be attributed to Olivier Dreyer ( I enjoyed the pleasure of being introduced to Olivier, Global Direct of Client Services at FIS ( about a year ago. First impressions often give a proper reflection of people’s authentic self. Olivier is no exception to this idea. Every interaction that I have had with Olivier is one where he is adding value to others, without excessive wordiness and with very clear, thought out communication.

I had the opportunity to have a recent conversation with Oliver where we talked about his success in the workplace. As he reviewed his focus on success he shared that there are really two primary areas where finding success is key.

1)      How do your clients view you? What is their perception? In a service organization, it is critical to have your clients view you as a successfully supporting their need and contributing to their business success. Client must be happy and view you as a partner in their organization. If you can achieve this connection with your clients they will fulfill a role of a ‘reference’. As a reference client they will speak with cohorts in formal and informal settings in a positive manner, reflecting on the value you have provided.

2)      How does your organization reflect in the job market? Are you able to recruit, train, develop, and retain top talent? The best way to have a great reputation among employees, both present and future is to view your success through their success and growth. Olivier finds great satisfaction in recruiting college graduates, coaching and providing appropriate training, and then watching them thrive and mature in the work environment.

When asked about key tools that he uses to help with his success, the shared with me that he considers himself a bit of a “dreamer”. To clarify, he shared uses certain key times of the day to tap into his imagination and critical thinking to pause and reflect on issues being faced. This habit is one that was strongly enforced when he studied history and literature. When it was time to fulfill a writing assignment, taking the time to think through and contemplate the information behind writing prompts before putting his pen to paper. This habit has become a key part of how he operates in life.

Mentors have played a key role in Olivier’s professional growth. When he first came to Fidelity National Information Services (FIS) he was full of ideas and energy, but no experience. Connecting with key leaders at FIS was critical to his career development. FIS actively fosters a mentoring system, where every leader is expected to actively be part of a mentoring relationship. Often this connection is from a different line of business or area of focus. This helps young leaders to grow, and it fosters partnerships across multiple areas of operation. Leaders at FIS are encouraged to realize that they do not have all the answers, but by having these cross-company relationships there is a source to finding needed information. This is beneficial to the people involved and to the overall success of an organization. This whole mentoring system also helps develop one’s emotional quotient (EQ) as there is an opportunity to learn how other people think.

Being in a technology driven environment does not always require a 100% focus on technology related education. Being trained and having disciplines outside of technology helps with tapping into other ways of thinking and problem solving. Oliver has been able to use his training in history and literature, coupled with education in area of technology, along with the mentoring available through FIS, as a foundation for success in the workplace. 


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Happy Birthday J.D. Edwards!

Originally Published March 17, 2018

Originally Published March 17, 2018

Ed McVaney consistently declared St. Patrick’s Day in 1977 as the birth date of J.D. Edwards. 41 Years ago Jack Thompson (, Dan Gregory, and Ed McVaney founded J.D. Edwards. Ed was very clear, while he was involved with leading the organization, that the periods be put in place when using the company name. He did not want there to be a mistake about the original founders of this great place to work. Although Ed serviced as the President, CEO, and Chairman on the Board of Directors he wanted a obvious understanding that both Jack and Dan were the foundation and cornerstones of J.D. Edwards. Dan's life was cut short and he did not get to see much fruit from his labor.

Gustavo Barizon ( took the time in late December 2017 to remind us about the beginning of J.D. Edwards, and I think it is worth the time to read what Gustavo posted ( 

After J.D Edwards was sold to PeopleSoft, the periods were taken out of the name of the company and software label (was J.D. Edwards, now is JD Edwards). To this day, I still struggle with removing those periods. I guess this may be due to the fact that the founders of J.D. Edwards had such a passion for people. When working at corporate headquarters in the Denver Tech Center, as long as Ed was at the helm, I consistently felt a strong compassion from the management towards those they were expected to lead. 

In my first 5 weeks of employment of J.D. Edwards we had 4 separate “Happy Hour Fridays”, where the management team would roll a beverage cart through their department starting around 3:00PM to serve the employees. All of the meeting rooms would have hors d’oeuvres enough to cover dinner for the evening. At 4:00PM employees were encouraged to finish up the work for their day and congregate around the workplace to be social with their cohorts. Once a month The leadership team would provide a lunch for the men’s and women’s prayer groups. This was about more than providing a meal. Ed McVaney would join us and ask that we pray for him and that he would truly be guided in wisdom, integrity, and courage as he led J.D. Edwards. Wednesday mornings a large spread of pastries, fruits, breads, and juices were available for all corporate employees to enjoy. This is just a few of examples of how J.D. Edwards was built as a great company, and why, to this day, many people look back to their days at J.D. Edwards with fondness and smiles upon their face. 

Hundreds of thousands of people and thousands of companies have been significantly impacted by Jack Thompson, Dan Gregory, Ed McVaney and many more great leaders that helped form this company that began 41 years ago. Countless lives have been changed, lessons have been learned in professional and leadership development, and business communities have been enriched through J.D. Edwards both as a company and a software product. 

Thank you Jack, Dan, and Ed for your care, compassion, courage, and vision!


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Success Story – Harald Miebs

Originally Published March 17, 2018

Originally Published March 17, 2018

How many times, when you first meet someone, do you know that there is some kind of connection? Whether is it professional or personal, there is just something that makes you want to know this other person on a deeper level.  This is the kind of person one meets in Harald Miebs ( Harald is the IT Manager at RICHTER Chemie-Technik GmbH ( in Germany. 

Harald is one of those rare individuals who is truly a dual citizen. He was born in Pennsylvania to parents who left Germany in 1951. When he was about 5 ½ years old, his parents went back to Germany. By United States (US) law, if someone is born in a state or territory of the US they are automatically a US citizen. By German law, if one is born to at least 1 parent who has German citizenship, you are a citizen of Germany regardless, where in the world you are born. With Harald, he is more than just a dual citizen by law. He understands business culture in the US as well as Germany. He makes connections with people from both nations and cultures. He relates on a personal and professional level, which makes it easy to have a conversation about many things.

Harald describes success as defining and completing his own goals and tasks, in the pursuit of happiness. He sees success as part of his job. It is a daily pursuit of understanding what is needed and how to get it done. If there is an impediment to achieving the goals set before you, it is incumbent upon you to either redefine the goal or continue pursuit to completion. Giving up is not an option.

The primary tool that Harald uses in driving towards success in the workplace is simply writing things down. Having a pen or pencil and notepad at meetings is critical for Harald. However, this is more than just writing the key word and phrases that will help him remember critical information from meetings. Harald will add simple drawings to his notes, as it is true that many times a picture can be worth a thousand words. After these meetings, he will take these notes and add key elements to established documents (such as project charters) that are helping him define the goals and tasks set before him.

There have been two key mentors in Harald’s life. First, Harald mentions his father who was a Technical Director at Eberhard Faber, (  Harald’s dad taught him that it is important to know what it is that you are planning for, have a “Plan B”, and that people are a key factor in success. Harald understands the importance of showing respect and care for others as each individual has some unique strength that they bring to an organization. The second key mentor was a project manager at JD Edwards, Vicki Hess. Vicki was leading a multi-site ERP implementation when Harald made this connection. Even after the engagement, Vicki stayed in contact with Harald being a source for tips, pointers, and providing direction.

There is an old German philosopher (E.R. Hauschka) whose quote, Harald has paraphrased for himself. Harald’s paraphrase is, “When you always do what the time demands from you, then the time will always be ahead of you and you will never catch-up with it.” The essence that Harald takes from this quote is that it is important to think ahead of what is the immediate need and consider ideas that are outside of normal patterns. 

The ability to plan for the future, expect that those plans will need a back-up strategy (plan B), and understand the value in people and their contribution are all attributes that make it easy to connect with Harald. He is able to connect with people from a variety of cultures, back-grounds, and personalities. As such he is an asset to his company and to those who are privileged to know him. 


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Leadership – Grappling with Self-Doubt

Originally Published May 14, 2018

Originally Published May 14, 2018

Each year I get the same nervous feeling when the season starts. Questions enter my mind that I really cannot answer as I do not know the future. Questions like, “How will I be able to best get through to the players?”, “How will the team progress through the season?”, “Will all of the players have a passion for the game when the season ends?” These questions go on through my head as I prepare to meet the 14U girls’ lacrosse team that I will be coaching. Some of these girls, I have been helping to coach since they were 6 or 7 years old. There are others who will be introduced to the game this season, with me as their first coach.

These questions do not quell when I am placed in a new relationship or role in business. There are times that I feel as though I am under-qualified for the expectations placed upon me at work. I wonder, “Am I truly the best person for this task or duty?” I can almost convince myself that I am an imposter and not competent for my position. If we are honest with ourselves, we all struggle with self-doubt when we find ourselves in a new relationship or leadership role. For those who claim that they are not nervous, tenuous, or doubtful when faced with a new challenge, I would suggest that they are not stretching themselves. 

Feeling self-doubt is not the same as acting on those feelings. When I step onto the practice field for the first time in the season, it is time to set aside the questions and get working on molding a team. The questions do not disappear, but need to be set aside for a time while the team works through drills, building and ensconcing basic skills, gaining cardio-vascular growth, and coming together in the execution of playing as a team. In the beginning, there are frequent times where we need to stop and adjust patterns and responses to play on the field. As the season progresses, the players look more and more like a team. They are passing to the open teammates, anticipating opposition movement, communicating to help prevent opposition scoring, catching the difficult passes, and out hustling the more experienced players on the other team.

There is always room for me to improve as a coach. I keep asking myself these questions and continue to gather more information on practice drills and ways to motivate. The only way that I can see improvement as a leader is when I see team members developing as individuals and collectively as a team. More important than me seeing improvement, are the players seeing themselves as growing in skills, attitude, and knowledge of and towards the game? Do the parents see that these young ladies are just as incredible as I see them as they push themselves on the field of play? 

How does this translate to the business world? After all, as grown adults, most of us do not have the privilege of hanging out and practicing all the time...or do we? The questions we ask ourselves when challenged need to be heeded. The curiosity behind those questions only proves that you have a desire to achieve excellence. Will you hit that target the first time you try? It is highly unlikely that perfection will be in your grasp...ever. In any leadership role where I have served I have found that the more I learn about my responsibilities, the more I have a long way to go to achieve perfection. As I learn more about my leadership role I realize, I do not have all the answers. I gain more understanding that in the throws of competition, I still am learning to communicate with teammates, be driven to out hustle the competition, find ways to anticipate the opponent and intercept what is meant to be a pass to a teammate. In a sense, we are always on the practice field trying to improve.

The things we learn in team sports apply to many areas of life. I suggest that it is never too late to attempt being part of a competitive team. Whether it is kick-ball, softball, soccer, flag-football, dragon boats, crew, etc. you can learn to work through your self-doubt. Going into any “playing field” gives you an opportunity to make mistakes, but also pick yourself back up and recover...learning to not repeat the same action. Perhaps, you learn that that what you thought was a mistake, really was the right thing to do and in the long-run the game flows in your favor. The self-doubt in your mind is simply an ingrained desire to achieve greatness. It is also and experience in understanding how each team member has a unique gift/skill that the bring to the team. Use the nervous energy in your favor and be fully committed to achieving excellence with everything you have been taught and learned to get you into this position. In your pursuit of being great, never give up.


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Success – Organizational Health

Originally Published May 20, 2018

Originally Published May 20, 2018

Over the past few months, I have picked up a few books written by Patrick Lencioni (  He likes the idea of using a modern-day fable to help teach leadership lessons.  Using the fable format can be very helpful.  There is much to learn and glean from these books as they provide a potential real-life understanding of how to put these principles into practice.

Recently, I picked up “The Advantage – Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business” (    In this, Patrick chose to not use fables.  He gives some real-world examples, and provides a bigger picture of why organizational health is far more important than pure intelligence when it comes to running a business.  There is clearly nothing wrong with having a great mind and high intellect for business leaders.  I would argue that intellect is almost always a pre-requisite to get someone in the “C” suite or any upper management position.  However, if the leadership team is interested in the greatest possible growth, there are specific organizational health issues that must be addressed.

The first section of this book deals with building a cohesive team and brings in the idea of 5 behaviors that are crucial to making this happen.  “Trust” is the foundational behavior.  This is far more than, “I can trust that Sheryl will be on time”, or “I can trust that this will upset Fred”.  The foundation of trust deals with understanding one another’s strengths and weaknesses.  Allowing each other to be vulnerable and make mistakes feeds into this kind of trust.  Knowing why someone behaves a certain way and trusting that they are motivated by what they believe is best for the team and the company, is the foundation of any healthy organization. 

The issue of trust among the executive leadership team cannot be overstated.  This trust allows for passionate conflict over decisions without allowing for personal attack.  There is room for accountability among all team member across all directions.  It is expected that a CFO who is trying to keep a close eye on budgets would have pointed discussions around costs associated with venturing out into new business strategies.  With today’s security risks escalating around the implementations of IoT (the Internet of Things) and other emerging technologies, CIOs will likely need to work with other team members while speaking with clarity and brevity about the need for out-of-budget expenditures.  

There is so much more to a healthy organization than just trust.  If trust is missing among the executives, upper management, and/or board of directors, any other attempt at leading in our current business climate will meet with a modicum of success at best.  I have worked in companies where the trust is clear and leadership is cohesive.  These companies have thrived through difficult economic challenges.  I also have experience with leadership that did not come to agreement on important decisions, but the person in charge simply dictated the outcome of critical decisions.  The stronger companies are those whose leadership team does not always seen eye-to-eye, but after much discussion and possibly debate they do come to agreement and a common place on business-critical decisions.  They trust that all want to work for a growing, improving, and healthy organization.


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Effective Communication from Leadership

Originally Published June 11, 2018

Originally Published June 11, 2018

Communication – What does this word mean? Merriam-Webster has at least 6 separate, yet related definitions for the word, “Communication”. For the purpose of this post, here is the definition we will use:

"a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior"

A leader is expected to communicate clearly, with precision and accuracy, and in a very succinct manner. He or she also needs to bond with those whom they serve in a very authentic, and vulnerable manner. This communication is needed to inspire, inform, and connect. Effective communication is an invaluable tool, but are you being intentional with every communication effort?

Mark Sanborn, in his book, You Don’t Need a Title to be a Leader, points out, “Effective leaders know what they want to accomplish with every conversation they have, every email, phone call, or speech.” We can sometimes believe that if we impress someone with our knowledge, then we will gain respect. I know that I have fallen into the trap of attempting to be the smartest person in the room. However, an effective leader should be looking to influence those around them with every communication opportunity. Before a conversation starts, or an email is composed I should know, “How am I trying to influence my audience and how can I be most effective towards that end?” As Stephen F. Covey would remind us, “Begin with the end in mind.”

There is so much more to effective communication than I will attempt to cover. For now I will leave you with some questions.

  1. In your communications, are you looking to show how smart you are, or seeking to influence others towards their professional and personal growth? 

  2. Do you know your audience, and have you gained an understanding how to best influence them?

  3. Are you communicating from the heart, with an authentic and vulnerable mind-set?

  4. Are you open to authentic feedback in actively listening as part of your communication efforts?

Effective communication is essential for great leadership. It takes consistent discipline and effort. Like all other parts of leadership, communication is an art that only gets better with diligent, patient, and persistent practice.


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Character – Why is it so Important in Leadership?

Originally Published June 22, 2018

Originally Published June 22, 2018

Integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness

Character: The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual

How often have you been around someone who proclaims that they, themselves carry high levels of integrity or moral character? I can say that I have often thought that about myself, but then something in life brings back to reality and teaches me humility. As a leader, how often are you tempted to either ignore character development in yourself, or assume that you have already achieved a proper level of integrity? It is easy to convince ourselves, and thus try to convince others that we have integrity. Only through our actions do we show what is really in our heart and mind. As a leader, are you taking into consideration those who are in your care, when you seek to make the right decision? Are you making the tough decision when it is uncomfortable, or are you taking the easy way out and not addressing issues?

The way you make decisions and the way conclusions are drawn, reveal opportunities for choices that pursue integrity in all areas of life and thus add to your character development. When you make decisions based upon integrity, it may bring difficult circumstances around you but in the long run you are showing how well you can be trusted with the lives, careers, and hopes of those for whom you are responsible to lead. Will you bring order to chaos, remove obstacles so others can succeed, meet others where they are in times of need, shoulder the responsibility of failure, and pass on the praise for success? When every decision you make is intentional and based upon the desire for integrity, you will show humility and character and others will want to be part of your team.

There is a saying in some business circles, “If you think you are leading and no one is following you, then you are only taking a walk.” Take the time to think about those around you. Richard Rierson (, constantly reminds those he coaches that all of us are leaders. Everyone is a father, mother, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, friend, or coworker. We all have people in our lives who look to us for leadership and direction…even if we do not realize. Learn to be intentional, admit weaknesses, help others in your areas of strength, be authentic and vulnerable, and strive to make choices with integrity.

In striving to build your own character, ask yourself, “Do I treat my handshake and spoken promise to have the same value as a signed contract?” When you say you are going to complete a task, hit a deadline, assist a coworker…do you keep your word? When no one is looking, are you still trying to do the right thing? Are you willing to highly esteem those you serve while you are in a leadership role?


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Charismatic Leader – Can I be one? Do I want to be one?

Originally Published July 1, 2018

Originally Published July 1, 2018

Charisma: Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others

When we think about a charismatic leader, what comes to mind?  Is it this “larger than life” figure with the perfectly kempt hair, well pressed suit, charming smile, and booming voice?  Is charisma based upon how you make a first impression?  I would like to suggest, a leader who is truly charismatic is something a little different than what we may think.

The word “charisma” finds its root in the ancient Greek word “kharis” which means grace, favor.  As a leader, we should show grace and/or favor towards others, in all facets of our lives.  Are others seeing this grace and favor? 

Here are some thoughts on how all of us can be charismatic leaders:

  • Love life!  Be someone who maintains a genuine, upbeat attitude.  Do not be fake.  People will see right through a façade.

  • Expect the best of others.  Do not confuse this with placing unrealistic expectations and/or timelines on others.  This really means that your disposition is that you believe those around you are looking out for the best interests of the company, organization, or group.

  • Give others a reason to hope.  Hope is the greatest of all possessions.  If someone has hope, they can surprise you with better than expected results.

  • Share of yourself.  Open up about who you are.  Share stories of growth and struggles.  Celebrate your victories with others.

  • Place the concerns of others above your own.  Another way to think of this is to treat others the way you would want to be treated, even when you are not being treated the way you want.  Many of us learned this as a preschooler, and it still applies today.

Dale Carnegie wrote in, How to Win Friends and Influence People, “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

As a leader, are you willing to change your focus so that others are a higher priority?  Can you seek to give a great first impression by showing that you love life and want others to join in that joy?  Are you willing to share of yourself?  If so, you can be a charismatic leader without having a “larger than life” persona.  Being charismatic is more about being an authentic, joyful, and caring for other than it is about anything else.


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Are You a Committed Leader?

Originally Published July 7, 2018

Originally Published July 7, 2018

Commitment: The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

“Be Like Mike”.  Do you remember those commercials from the 1990s?  Many in the NBA have come and gone since the days of Michael Jordan, who was arguably the best basketball play in the history of the game.  What did it take for Michael Jordan to be on top, to be the idle of anyone who played basketball?  It was far more than talent alone.  It was an all-consuming commitment to every aspect and every detail of the game.

Another “Mike” who had a complete commitment to his craft was Michelangelo.  He was an amazing and gifted sculptor, who was summoned to Rome by Pope Julius II with the purpose of sculpting a glorious papal tomb.  Upon arriving in Rome, he was asked to paint the image of the 12 Disciples on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  When all was completed, Michelangelo had spent 4 years creating one of the most influential works of art the history of Western Civilization.  This one piece of art took 4 years of grueling work while lying on his back.

I am not suggesting that this is the level of commitment that every leader should possess.  Ask yourself, how well you are living out your commitment to those you lead.  The committed artist is patient and gives great attention to detail, the athlete masters basics in their sport and never backs down from competition, the soldier risks life and limb for those they love.  A leader needs to be willing to commit to all of these and more, as others are depending upon you.

David McNally ( tells his readers, “Commitment is the enemy of resistance, for it is the serious promise to press-on, to get up, no matter how many times you get knocked down.”.  Stephen Pressfield ( in the War of Art, walks his reader through all the tools that “resistance” puts in our way as we pursue greatness, and how to overcome resistance.

I need to ask myself, “How committed am I to leading those for whom I am responsible?”  Here are some ideas to help in considering one’s level of commitment:

  • Look at your calendar and ask, “How much time am I spending in service to others, focusing on family, staying healthy (mentally and physically), honing your craft, and learning new things?

  • Consider what there is in your life that you would not be able to stop doing, no matter what the consequences?

  • Make a public proclamation, declaring what you are committed to complete, and see how that will make you more likely to follow through.

As a final thought, Arthur Gordon proclaimed, “Nothing is easier than saying words. Nothing is harder than living them, day after day. What you promise today must be renewed and redecided tomorrow and each day that stretches out before you. (” As a leader, do not seek perfection, seek excellence…seek to keep your word…seek to mean what you say and say what you mean…do what you said you would do.


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