A Whole New Mind


We are living in an age where more businesses are working with partners and organizations across the globe. In an era of greater competition, the ability to be creative can be a noteworthy influencing factor to success. According to Daniel H. Pink, the current business climate is pushing us beyond the Information Age and into the Conceptual Age.

In part, here is what he means, there are many systematic tasks which can be performed by people in cultures and regions where the cost of living is far lower than many who in wealthier nations. The more skilled people get at programming tasks, scripting repeatable operations, and establishing pre-build decision matrices, the more likely these activities can be done at a lower cost by individuals who live and thrive at a fraction of the cost of someone in the United States, a European nation, Japan, or even Australia or New Zealand. This is not a critique of one culture over another. It is an explanation of how there is a need for all of us, in a global experience, can grow and be more productive in the world around us.

Most of the tasks mentioned above are driven by systematic thinking, which is generally associated with the left side of our brain. Creativity, spirituality, thoughtfulness, and empathy are generally associated with the right side of our brain. Daniel H. Pink sites how his experience with taking a drawing class, participating in acting lessons, and learning from “laughing groups” have helped him and others expand how well both hemispheres of our brains work together. The ability to use both sides of our brain to create better solutions and experiences for the world is the genesis for ushering in the Conceptual Age.

This book was copyrighted in 2005, so some of the references to tools for help with increasing our right-brained thinking are outdated. The concepts and lessons are still just as valid as they were over 15 years ago. Read the book and learn to embrace the value of a good story, having time to play, and being mindful of seeking meaning in our lives. I hope you find it as enjoyable as I have.

I am offering my services to those who may be interested in leadership mentoring and/or coaching. This will be one on one, or very small group interactions on a periodic basis. The intention is to operate in a similar manner as a short-term mastermind. This is to say that there will be a few months of interactions set up as 1-hour sessions once or twice a month. If you have an interest, feel free to start a conversation with me at todd@toddrthomsen.com.