The Dichotomy of Leadership


Jocko Willink and Leif Babin team up again in another great book on leadership! In “The Dichotomy of Leadership” we get to learn about real life examples of how these ideas and concepts can and should be implemented. These are principles that apply to business and personal relationships, not just on the battle-front.

Jock and Leif go through a variety of ideas and help us understand the balance needed. For example, when is it best to mentor and under which circumstances to we simply need to fire someone? How about the idea of being disciplined but not rigid? That can be an area where it is tough to find balance.

If you see that you have room to grow in leadership, and your focus is not on having the right job title or corner office, then you will find this book full of information and insight that you will review and reference for years to come.

The Go-Giver Leader, A Little Story About What Matters Most in Business


Bob Burg and John David Mann have written a series of leadership books that focus on the idea of serving others as a primary means of growth and demonstration of leadership skills. As a leader, the primary focus should be around how to remove obstacles and difficulties for those in your care. A leader serves others, giving them accolades and credit with accomplishments while taking responsibility for mistakes and short-falls.

In The Go-Giver Leader, the authors guide us through a difficult decision, with high expectations for a positive output, and how someone may grapple with coming to the right conclusion. Being a leader who is humble and seeking to serve others does not mean that you are to be a push-over or feel as though you are unable to stand up for what is right. It does mean that a leader should set aside their pride and preconceived notions in order to sort through tough scenarios and make the right decisions. A strong, humble, courageous leader will ask for help when needed and seek out counsel of individuals who display characteristics worthy of emulation.

Like most stories that seek to drive home valuable lessons, The Go-Giver Leader does show a somewhat controlled set of circumstances, but still conveys the necessity to pay attention to areas of life that make leaders well rounded. It addresses home life, friendships, mentoring relationships, and making tough decisions that may go against your own notion of what you think others want you to do.

Silos, Politics, and Turf Wars - A Leadership Fable


If you are striving towards excellence in the work place, there will be times when you get to experience individuals who focus on, “What’s in it for me”, or “How does this help my team”. Task and duties are often segregated into areas or expertise, which makes sense and creates efficiencies. However, there are times that leaders need to pause the focus on their own area of responsibility and rally around a bigger thematic goal. This thematic goal may or may not be focused on your area of operation, but it is crucial that you help the organization to pursue the tasks outlined to meet the thematic goal.

You may be asking, “What is a thematic goal, and how do I define one?” Patrick Lencioni brings clarity on three main leadership concepts (thematic goals, defining objectives, and standard operating objectives), how they work together, and using them to rally leadership around key growth initiatives. Whether that growth be gaining market share, rebuilding name recognition, introducing new products, or any other over-arching goal, the concepts in Silos, Politics and Turf Wars can be implemented to help overcome internal corporate issues that often pull companies apart.

The concepts taught in Silos, Politics and Turf Wars have a lot in common with Measure What Matters, which I reviewed on September 2nd, 2019. Both books help leaders to avoid pitfalls that pull us away from our primary purpose and goals. I am sure all who read these books, with the goal of learning about themselves, will benefit greatly.

Measure What Matters - How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs

OKRs…what are they? How do you use them? Do they really work? In this book, John Doerr helps us understand how to go beyond the great management tool of “Manage By Objectives” (aka MOBs), and use Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) in achieving what Jim Collins calls, “Big Hairy Audacious Goals” (aka BHAG).

This book is a great resource for helping the reader understand the value of and how to implement OKRs. John Doerr is clear in sharing that we should not expect to be great at setting our OKRs the first time around…nor the second, third, or any other of the initial attempts. It will always be a “work in progress”. Objectives are typically an overall, measurable goal. Key Results are the smaller steps, still being measurable, practical, and causing us to stretch. The Key Results should be short term (perhaps monthly or quarterly), while the Objects are more long term (annually, 2- year, etc.) .

Take the time to read this book, if you are seeking to be better at achieving results that will help you reach the BHAG that is set before you. There is also a website built around the ideas shared in this book. Go check it out, “

Fred Factor 2.0 - New Ideas on How to Keep Delivering Extraordinary Results

A little while back, I typed up a review of “The Fred Factor”. It is the story of a postal carrier in the Denver, Colorado area, named Fred Shea. Fred is a man who has taken the idea of excellence in service and applied it to how he cares for those he serves on his carrier route. I recommend reading “The Fred Factor” as a precursor to “Fred 2.0”.

In this sequel to “The Fred Factor”, Mark Sanborn shares real life stories of individuals in various jobs with varying levels of responsibilities, and how they are providing service that goes far beyond any ordinary expectations.

There are also many practical tips to help the reader adjust their mindset to finding ways to build habits into our lives that lead to extraordinary results in the service we provide to those around us. The ideas and tidbits shared in “Fred 2.0” apply to all facets of our lives. Whether we are in service at work, volunteering, or serving our family; we can all benefit from taking these concepts and putting them into practice.

Are You Taking Initiative?

Image courtesy of Tavarro

Image courtesy of Tavarro

As you begin reading this, I would like to start with a question. How many of you consider yourself a leader? This is not a question about your title at work or your status with a volunteer organization. In life, do you consider yourself a leader?

Let me ask this another way. How many of you are a mother or father, an aunt or uncle, a sister or brother, or a a coworker with others? Maybe a more simple way to ask is, how many of you have breath in your lungs, a heart that pumps blood through your veins, and can communicate with others? If you fit any of these descriptions, then someone is looking to you for leadership.

One part of successful leadership is taking initiative. Here are a few key points on how leaders take initiative.

1) Leaders know what they want - If you are going to be effective, you will need to know what you want. When an opportunity presents itself, you need to be prepared. There is no guarantee that things will turn out the way you desire, the only way to have a chance, is if you are prepared.

2) Leaders push themselves to act - Leaders are not waiting for others to provide motivation. They understand that motivation can be fleeting. Leaders have drive and determination to keep moving towards their goals.

3) Leaders take more risk - A principle point in leadership is that you are moving into territory or areas of action where others may have not gone before you. A leader will take the risks that others have not, and then will bring their cohorts along as the leader demonstrates success is achievable.

4) Leaders make more mistakes - By the simple fact that leaders are taking more risks, they are at least twice as likely to make mistakes as well. So long as there is movement, mistakes can be corrected and overcome. Getting yourself moving in the right direction can only happen if you are actually moving. Do not let the mistakes stop you from the next opportunity.

If you need help in improving initiative, here are some ideas:

1) Change your mindset - Do not let fear of mistakes or the worry of messing up stop you from pursuing initiative

2) Do not wait for the opportunity to knock - Be preparing yourself now for your future opportunity. Many will tell you that luck is simply being prepared with the right opportunity is presented. Be reading, studying, learning, and practicing.

3) Take the next step - There are ample opportunities, if you know what you want and are preparing yourself to take initiative, to start taking on responsibilities for the next role you desire. Whether that be in your place of employment or through a volunteer organization.

Taking initiative comes more natural to some individuals. If you are one of those who gets uneasy taking initiative, work through your discomfort with small steps. Provide feedback in meetings where you would normally stay quiet, find someone who is where you want to be and take them out to coffee or lunch from time to time to glean insight and knowledge from them. Most people like to talk about themselves and the areas of strength in their own lives. Ask questions, seek insight, and make the decision to move forward with the knowledge you gain.

The Fred Factor - How passion in your work and life can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary

I recently read an article about how a flight attendant for Delta Airlines provided extraordinary service to a young unattended minor who is deaf. I have the privilege to work with a number of people who are consistently going beyond their job expectations to provide great service to our clients and to each other. Every time I go Into a Chick-fil-a, I am greeted with a smile and focused attention. These are just a few examples of people who have a passion for their work and life. Can you think of some others that you have experienced?

In The Fred Factor, the reader is introduced to a USPS postal carrier by the name of Fred Shea. Fred is portrayed in the book as a someone who take great pleasure and pride in his work. He cares for the people he serves. He knows how to develop friendship and seeks to provide service that is beyond the scope of his job. Fred notices the little things and does something to make a big difference. One example that Mark Sanborn provides is that Fred will pay attention to when a mailbox is filling up, and will note that a resident must be out of town. Fred will then bundle up the existing mail and hold new mail, until the resident has returned home. This way it is less evident that the person has a vacant home, making it less vulnerable to theft.

It does not take an exceptional amount of effort to do the little things which make a big difference. How tough is it to have a brief, friendly chat just before starting a meeting? Have you noticed the affect you can have on others if you seek to just listen to them and not focus on preparing you rebuttal? When you make it a practice to hold the door for others, have you notice that can often elicit a smile and words of “thank you”? Seeking to provide extraordinary service at work, in the community, or at home does not need to take great effort, but rather to have simple habits of showing your care for others in little ways.

This book is geared towards working professionals, but The Fred Factor concepts apply to everything in life. It is not a complex book, but if you put the ideas into action it will have a profound influence on your life and the effect you have on those around you.

Leaders Eat Last - Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't

Simon Sinek pulls together some significant insight into successful, long-term leadership ideas and principles. He encourages the reader to build a legacy that will live on with those in your charge, well beyond your direct influence in their lives.

Simon pulls in and focuses on this idea of a Circle of Trust. He points out that great leaders provide a work environment where communication and interaction with the CEO is open, honest, and bi-directional. There is a level of trust that great leaders inspire by being visible and receptive to feedback from individuals in all areas within their company. Front-line employees, those responsible for the daily operations, need to know that they can trust that their leadership team truly cares about them.

Once an atmosphere of concern for one’s job becomes a daily reality, that Circle of Trust shrinks or breaks apart and people tend to focus only on how to keep their job. This can lead to some cut-throat attitudes that are a poison to a working environment.

Simon also emphasizes the influence of naturally occurring hormones within our bodies (like oxytocin, endorphins, cortisol, etc.) , and how they are triggered. These hormones can be influenced by leaders, the policies they introduce, and their actions in how the company is led.

During part of the book, Simon gets into political positioning and economic principles. Whether you agree or disagree with Simon’s opinions here, there are some good thoughts and ideas worth considering. I would suggest, that no reader will completely agree with an author on topics that involve “soft-skills” like leadership. Knowing this, it is still important to consider the author’s point of view while ensuring you are thinking clearly when developing your own.

Subscribed - Why the Subscription Model Will Be Your Company's Future - and What to Do About It

How many of you have a digital or physical monthly subscription to goods or services? Haven’t subscriptions been around for decades or even centuries? Newspapers and other physical subscriptions of the 20th Century seem to now be dying a slow death and some may argue that they have become a business model that loses money. In the 21st Century, new companies have emerged to help us to rethink how subscriptions services and models can still work.

In a world where we now have Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Pandora, Black Rifle Coffee Company, Amazon Prime, Beauty Box, Stitch Fix, etc. a subscription models fulfill business and personal needs in a whole new way. Companies like have led the charge into new business model thinking, revenue streams, financial forecasting. As a culture, individuals are also rethinking priorities on how their money is spent.

Perhaps you live in a large metropolis and do not have an every-day need for a vehicle. However, once or twice a month you want to spend the weekend at the beach or visiting family in the mountains; you can subscribe to a service where you can schedule the use of a car for just such an occasion. While we are on the subject of the automotive industry, some car manufacturers are working through a subscription means to drive vehicles from a fleet that is maintained and managed by the manufacturer or an automobile dealership. A subscriber can simply take the car they are driving and turn it in when it needs maintenance, and switch out for another vehicle in the available subscription fleet.

Remember when Blockbuster and Hollywood Video were running an incredible, booming business? Then came Netflix and completely up-ended that business model. Now how many Blockbuster or Hollywood Video stores do you see in your town now?

Tien Tzuo, the author of Subscribed is clear to state that there are no indications that subscription services are going to force all “Brick and Mortar” business to go bankrupt or out of business. However, it has forced many to adjust their business model, accommodating a more customer-centric set of needs. Many of us live in an area where we can now go to the local grocer or department store’s website, provide a list of what we want to buy from their in-store stock, and have it brought out to your car when you arrive; or better yet have it delivered right to your front door.

Back to the subscription model for the 21st Century. How is it different than the Columbia House cassette or CD subscriptions of the 1970s, 80s, and 90s? Well, one major difference is that in today’s subscription model the consumer can cancel at almost any time they want. There is no long-term commitment. That means that the businesses have to be creative in how they appeal to their target audience. The savvy subscription business is constantly evaluating the effectiveness of the options they offer. It is critical that they keep an eye on “Churn”. Churn is the volume of subscribers that they loose over a given time. They also need to know the difference between churn and when a subscriber chooses one of their alternative subscription offerings. There are people who are now employed to understand the reasons for churn and/or changes to existing subscriptions, so that these companies can ensure they are truly reaching their target market with the greatest effectiveness.

Take the time to read this book. It is insightful, informative, and eye-opening. I want to thank John Bassett and the rest of the owners at GSI for encouraging me to read this book. It has brought a whole new way of thinking about business into my mindset.

Happy Mother's Day - 2019!

Picture of me with my mom, when I was 3 months old. Thank you mom, for everything!

Picture of me with my mom, when I was 3 months old. Thank you mom, for everything!

You may have heard the saying, “the only things guaranteed in life is death and taxes”. Well, I would like to add to that guarantee. You are all guaranteed to have had a mother.. No two mothers are the same, nor do siblings have the same experiences with their mom. Let me peel back a layer in my life and take a moment to honor my mom, and other moms whom I know.

There is one person, throughout my life, to whom I can point and say that they were my rock. Without my mom’s love and guidance I know that I would be less of a person. Not once, did she utter a disparaging word to me, about anything I shared with her. She sometimes disagreed with me, my motivation, and my intent…but she was a source of encouragement…always!

You may have noticed that I am referring to my mom in the past-tense. This is the third Mother’s Day since my mom died. Some days, when I think of her, I feel as though a piece of me is missing…but then I remember all of the late-night conversations, weekend adventures, laughs over playing card games…and I realize she has never really left me.

There are other moms, who have allowed me to peer into their lives. There is a special bond between these mothers and their child(ren). Being a mother is not for the faint of heart, and these moms are often burdened by guilt of missing out on something in the life of their child(ren). I can tell each of these moms, that they are truly gifts to their child(ren). Are you perfect in every way, perhaps not…but you are the perfect mother for your child(ren). I would like to encourage these mom’s to stop doubting and feeling guilty about what they may have missed or gotten wrong with their child(ren). Do not let disparaging thoughts take control of your mind and emotions. You are all God’s gift to your child(ren)!

Then there are those moms who welcome other children into their heart. They allow themselves to get emotionally attached to step-children, the best friends of their own child(ren), or someone who has lost their mom in some way. There is no matching the connection, wisdom, insight, and care of a mother! If you have lost your mother, here on Earth, allow yourself to make a connection with someone who will lovingly share with you, their own motherly advise and care. You will be richer for that experience and she will treasure the times she can show her care for you!

To mothers everywhere on this great planet, Happy Mother’s Day!